Archive for the ‘political spiritual historical development’ Category

Science Fiction or Just a Matter of Time? Time Travel From Ancient Mythology to Modern Science

May 14, 2014

Time travel as always caught the imagination of writers and scientist alike. Even before Einstien described the possibility in his equations . Stories of incredible events are peppered about in history often forming a mythology or merely a curiosity . In this modern age the understanding of the physics of time and the regognition that it is ‘not constant ‘ opens the possibilities of temporal interpretation quite widely .



What would it be like to travel back in time? To travel forward in time?  Remember H. G. Wells’ science fiction novella,The Time Machine,published in 1895? The book has been quite popular for more than a century and has even been made into movies.  But as you will see, there are many stories across cultures of time travelers. What is so fascinating about this concept?

AntiquityNOW’s latest entry for its newly launched Science Fiction section is a blog on time travel by Ancient Origins, an organization that “seeks to uncover…one of the most important pieces of knowledge we can acquire as human beings—our beginnings.”

AntiquityNOW and Ancient Origins, with offices in London, England and Springwood, Australia, will be partnering on blogs and educational materials.

In today’s popular culture young people are exposed to diverse ideas from numerous perspectives, both scientific and speculative. AntiquityNOW and Ancient Origins are…

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What is the economics behind printing of currency?

March 3, 2014

What is the economics behind printing of currency?.

The Challenge to Science and Society

February 4, 2014

The Challenge to Science and Society

Dear Friends,

Have you ever seen a YouTube video go viral? In just a few days, millions of people have seen it, and the information conveyed by the video becomes widespread. At The Farsight Institute, we offer one of the most unique collections of information about physical reality, science, and society that is available anywhere. The information we present in our videos and on our web site could literally change the entire planet for the better. Trouble is, not that many people are watching what we do. Yes, thousands have looked at what we do, but that is not enough to change the planet. For us to trigger a planet-wide revolution of thought requires that millions, and even billions, hear and see what we have discovered. This is where you can help. We need your humanpower. Let me explain.

Have you noticed that nearly all of the Hollywood stars have Facebook and Twitter accounts that are regularly updated so all of their fans know of their latest adventures day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute? Do you really think the stars do all of that social networking? They pay publicists to manage those things. The stars are actually off doing movies, making music, and producing content for their careers while the publicists work behind the scenes to build and maintain a fan base.

Well, we at The Farsight Institute are working as hard and as fast as we can to bring you new and cutting-edge remote-viewing research. We are an all volunteer organization, so we have no paid publicists to manage Facebook and Twitter accounts. In short, only people who intentionally seek us out ever hear of us on the web and YouTube. We need your help to do the social networking for us, and you could literally help save the planet if you assisted us in this way.

Here is the crux of the matter. Our work can only spark a revolution in thought on our planet if zillions of people see that remote viewing is a real phenomenon, and that perceptual information can be transferred across both time and space in a total violation of the “laws” of relativistic physics. We have been conducting public demonstrations of remote viewing on our web site using perfect scientific controls for years, and thousands of people have seen what we can do. But that is a drop in the bucket compared with what needs to happen. We need to conduct a major demonstration of remote viewing while the is world watching. To do this, we are trying to encourage a small group of prominent mainstream scientists and other leaders to acknowledge that remote viewing is a real phenomenon that deserves serious study. Once this happens, we will immediately organize a major demonstration of remote viewing that will rivet the world. That will change everything, literally everything…from what is taught to kids in school to how science describes physical reality, the histories of our solar system and our planet, and possibly even the existence of extraterrestrial life. Our world will no longer be the same; we will collectively experience the greatest revolution in thought the world has ever seen.

To conduct our “big demonstration” of remote viewing, we need a world that seriously wants to see what we do. But humanity is all caught up in its daily dramas, from on-going wars and economic difficulties, to the personal lives of the movie stars. Moreover, mainstream science is totally ignoring us. Mainstream science will continue to ignore us unless you cause a social networking revolution under their feet. YOU need to change the reality on our planet by spreading the word. If our stuff goes viral, many will turn their attention in our direction, and mainstream science will have to respond. We are now fully organized and ready to handle the rest. If you do your part, we will do ours.

There are several key things that you could help us publicize through social networking. For example, perhaps you could post some of these videos below on your Facebook walls as well as share them with Twitter and email. Here is a presentation of one of our scientific studies relating to the origin of the asteroid belt. Try watching it in 720p resolution.

Another thing you could help us publicize is our really interesting study investigating the existence of parallel realities. Here is a video of that project:

We also have a fascinating study of an active base on Mars. This is a must see, and here is the video.

Finally, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube connections are often best if they are entertaining. For that purpose, we have produced an off-shoot of our science work in the form of an entertaining new science fiction web series, Galactic Times: Earth Report. It is a news broadcast to the rest of the Milky Way Galaxy about events on Earth relating to remote viewing. Many find the series terribly funny even though it addresses serious science, and it is our attempt at making our science “cool” in an informative way. You can find the series at its own web site: If you could paste those videos all over your Facebook walls, and share them with Twitter and email, and watch them on YouTube, that would be a real help. Each episode is 7 to 10 minutes long. Here is the YouTube playlist:

This is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg with respect to our research into the remote-viewing phenomenon. Again, we are not asking for people to believe in what we do based on faith. All we want is a chance to demonstrate that the remote-viewing phenomenon is real in front of a world audience that is willing to watch and listen. We can only do that if you help make that a reality. If you find what we are doing important, and you want to help us, you can do it using your own computer. Social network for us. Make the revolution on our planet a reality. We are organized and ready to do our part. If you do yours, the revolution can begin.

Courtney Brown, Ph.D.
Director, The Farsight Institute
Updated 5 May 2013


September 7, 2013



Repost: James Tyberonn – Arkansas: The Atlantean Crystal Awakening – And the Fall of Atlantis > Earth Keeper

June 5, 2013

Repost: James Tyberonn – Arkansas: The Atlantean Crystal Awakening – And the Fall of Atlantis > Earth Keeper.

Pyramidal Structures

May 25, 2013

the pyramids

Pyramidal Structures

We use to imagine that the only Pyramids in the World where only the ones found in Egypt. These days we know there are many more scattered about the world. They have been attributed to the reign of the great Kings of Egypt as we may realize though maybe this structure is much more mysterious than we think. As Graham Hancock argues:

“Although it has long been commonly agreed or believed that Egypt’s 4th Dynasty Pharaoh Khufu built the Pyramid as a tomb for himself, these facts are not universally accepted, as great controversy surrounds both its age and purpose-controversy born of persistent legends that the Pyramid was built to memorialize certain knowledge and preserve it from the world-wide destruction wrought by the Great Flood.

John Greaves, a seventeenth century English astronomer and mathematician, who had traveled to Egypt to measure its ancient buildings, including the Pyramid, for the purpose of learning Egypt’s ancient system of measures, which were reportedly based on the dimensions of the Earth, was the first European in modern times to systematically investigate it. He later published his findings, which excited great interest amongst scholars, including Sir Isaac Newton, who was searching for accurate measurements of the Earth for his theories regarding gravity. Greaves entered the Pyramid, but found it empty and learned that it had been empty for centuries, ever since the 8th century Abbasid Caliph Abdallah al-Mamun had tunneled his way into it. Al-Mamun was looking for the knowledge that the Pyramid reportedly held and particularly for knowledge of the Earth and its dimensions, but apparently he, too, found the Pyramid empty. If the Pyramid had held anything, whatever it was had been removed long before al-Mamun’s time. Only the legends of its contents remained and these Greaves dutifully recorded during his visit, as did others who came after him.

The legends all told essentially much the same story: an ante-diluvian king foresaw in a dream that a huge celestial body would fall to the Earth, and would cause fire and flooding world-wide that would destroy much of the Earth. On awakening, the king consulted with his counselors, who faithfully took measurements of the heavens and proclaimed that the king’s premonition was indeed true: the Earth would be destroyed. With the time remaining, the king set about building the pyramids, including the Great Pyramid, in order to preserve that portion of the accumulated knowledge of mankind deemed worth saving against the pending destruction, including the secrets of geometry and astronomy, star charts, and celestial spheres and terrestrial globes, as well as iron that wouldn’t rust and malleable glass. The focus of this legendary knowledge on the heavens is readily apparent, as might be expected in view of the fact that it was the source of Earth’s pending destruction. However, there is no record-even in the legends-that any of this material was ever found in any of the pyramids and so the legends have invariably been dismissed as little more than fanciful tales.

Curiously, archaeological excavations over the past century have revealed that a number of ship-shaped, stone-lined pits had been dug near the Great Pyramid. These excavations have also revealed the existence of two complete, but dismantled ships that had been buried in sealed chambers next to the Pyramid. One of the dismantled ships was subsequently removed and patiently reassembled, and then placed on exhibit in a specially designed building next to it, where today it is one of the most interesting attractions on the Giza plateau. The Pyramid’s maritime connections are obvious. It is a connection that clearly harks back to a time long before modern astronomy became a highly specialized science, when only two groups of people watched the heavens regularly and studied the stars intently: mariners and priests-the heaven gazers. The priests had an interest in the heavens for time keeping and calendar tracking purposes, which were directly related to their observance and practice of prescribed religious rites and to their commemoration and celebration of the calendar’s religious festivals. Mariners, on the other hand, watched the heavens to help them to navigate to distant lands, as well as to mark the passage of time. The two groups obviously must have been deeply dependent upon one another, with the knowledge and experience gained by the one systematically advancing that of the other, to the benefit of both. It was a symbiotic relationship that would endure for thousands of years.

But what does this have to do with the legends? Everything, because it leads to the door to the surprising truths behind some of the legends of the Great Pyramid, and the key that unlocks this door is to be found in the customary and most fundamental procedure of celestial observation, as practiced by both priests and mariners from time immemorial. This procedure, which precisely affixes the location of a given heavenly body in the celestial firmament, is performed by measuring its angle of altitude above the horizon and its angle of azimuth along the horizon east or west of true north or south. (See following graphic of celestial dome, with measures of altitude and azimuth enumerated.) This key reveals the celestial spheres of the legends, which were coded into the stones of the walls of the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid. But why, you might ask, were the spheres coded in this manner? Because measures of altitude and azimuth are based on number and geometry, which give form to a universal language that transcends both time and circumstance and is known to all men-the language of mathematics. The architects of the Great Pyramid were speaking to the ages when they designed this chamber and the wealth of information that was so cleverly coded into it.” (Link)

1. The Great Pyramid (known as that of Khufu/Cheops) contains no Pharaoh’s body, no treasure chamber, and no treasures. There is no indication that it ever has contained these things. The popular myth of the Pyramids being royal tombs is clearly nonsense. The tombs archaeology has accepted – those in the Valleys of the Kings and Queens –are obviously tombs, storehouses of the Pharaoh’s earthly riches, intricately prepared to ensure his survival in the next world. The Great Pyramid contains none of the obvious trappings of a tomb.

2. The only reason it is known as the Khufu/Cheops Pyramid at all is due to some Victorian graffiti! When Colonel Howard Vyse blasted his way into the Great Pyramid he was determined to make his name as an Egyptologist. He longed for nothing more than to make some monumental discovery which would make him famous. His disappointment at finding the Pyramid empty was too much for him to bear – it was his last season in Egypt – and in the dead of night it is said that he crept up into the ‘air shafts’ (known as ‘spirit stones’ to the Egyptians) above the King’s Chamber and daubed some hieroglyphs in red paint. The following morning he made his ‘discovery’ and subsequently earned his place in the history books as being the man who discovered the identity of the owner of the Great Pyramid!

It is worth mentioning in addition that the symbols he painted were not even accurate ones for the period in which the Pyramid was then believed to have been built. The symbol for ‘Ra’ – chief amongst the Egyptian gods at that time – was depicted wrongly. Now surely if an Egyptian had painted that symbol he would have got it right! Not to do so would have been a grave insult to the most highly respected and feared of the Egyptian pantheon.

The Alignment of the Pyramids also conform to celestial phenomena as this illustration shows:

standing structures

Here is a  link to some observations:


Pyramidal Structures Near Western Cuba

Pyramids under the waters of Cuba were discovered by two scientists Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki. They found the ruins of ancient buildings for about a mile below the sea and considered them to be Atlantis.

Paulina found elsewhere in Cuba ancient descriptions and symbols that was identical to those on the waterfront structures below.

The two scientists used submarines to found tremendous pyramid structures (that reminds one of Giza in Egypt), built of stones weighing hundreds of tons.

They found sphinxes, stones that arranged like Stonehenge, and a written language engraved on the stones.

Why it was not discovered before?

The U.S. government discovered the alleged place during the Cuban missile crisis in the sixties, Nuclear submarines cruising in the Gulf (in deep sea) met pyramid structures. They immediately shut down the site and took control of him and the objects,in order that it will not come to Russians hands.

A whistleblower from the army,that used to serve in Montego Bay said they are still working on the site and recover objects and instruments (including those who still work) since the 60′s.

This area in Cuba was above water 10,000 years ago…

The Morien Institute interviews Dr. Weinzweig and you can read this HERE 

Additional links:


The Pyramids of Faroe Islands

The pyramid shaped mountain is called Kirvi and the top of it is called Kirviskollur. You can also see the to top of Beinisvørð to the left in the photo. Beinisvørð is a 469 m high birdcliff. It is absolutely worth a visit.

Kirvi is a mountain in Suðuroy, near the village Lopra. Kirvi is 236 meter high. The mountain is visible from the villages Lopra and from Nes, which is between Vágur and Porkeri. The mountain is located in the municipality of Sumba.



The Gunung Padang Pyramid

Slowly but surely the mystery of the “pyramid” in Gunung Padang, Cianjur, West Java, is beginning to unravel. One by one, researchers claim to have found evidence that the pyramid-shaped mountain is man-made, and not a natural formation.

Radar imaging shows that the mountain hides enclaves of rock that resemble shrines. If this hypothesis is correct, then the building that has been forgotten for decades will allegedly defeat the discovery of the pyramids in Egypt.

Tempo Magazine in its edition dated August 27, 2012, tracked the mystery of the Gunung Padang site. The age of the “pyramid” is estimated at 4,700-10,900 BC. Compare this to the age of the Giza pyramids in Egypt, which is only 2,500 BC old. But the research is limited still. That is why geologists continue to be skeptical about the “pyramid” is. Too early to be announced.

Gunung Padang became the talk of the town the Ancient Catastrophic Team conducted a study on Cimandiri quake fault, about four miles to the north of the site. The team was formed by Special Staff of the President to the Social and Natural Disasters Assistance Andi Arief.

The controversy erupted after Andi announced early last year that there was some kind of a pyramid under Gunung Padang. “Whatever the name or shape, it’s clear there hollows thereunder,” said Andi. “At a glance, it doesn’t look like a mountain, more manmade.”

His suspicion started because the shape of the mountain was nearly like a triangle when viewed from the north. The team earlier also found a similar form on Gunung Sadahurip in Garut and on Bukit Dago Pakar in Bandung expert while researching the Lembang fault.

Andi Arief says the work of his team at Gunung Padang is almost finished. When it comes to excavation, however, he gave up because it will cost a huge amount. “That is Arkenas’ job,” he said.,20120828…

Posted by tatooke on September 12, 2012 

GLR ANdReA's picture

By GLR ANdReA – Posted on 12 September 2012

Java, Indonesia

Candi Sukuh


Not a lot is known about this site, except that it has the only pyramidal temple in Southeast Asia, and dates to 1416 – 1459 AD. As well as bearing an uncanny resemblance to Central American pyramids, there is also a twin-headed serpent, as discussed in Chapter XX.


Xian was for a long time the capital of Ancient China. It has become a popular tourist destination for Westerners since the discovery of the “Terracotta Warriors”. The evidence of local pyramids is scant, due to the Chinese Government and its ‘forbidden zones’ surrounding the city of Xian in the Shensi Province. These zones are off-limits to foreigners, probably due to military and/or space program bases in the area. Within these zones there are possibly 100 pyramids, and some adventurers have managed to photograph a few them:

The black and white photo was taken by James Gaussman, an American pilot, at the end of WW II (the others are by Mr Hausdorf).

These are not stone pyramids, nor earth mounds, but a combination of the two – made of earth and clay, shaped like pyramids with flattened tops (the same technique as Teotiuhuacan). It is rumoured that in recent times the Chinese Government ordered the planting of trees on the pyramids as a way of disguising them as regular hills, or at least their making their shape harder to discern. New Zealand author Bruce Cathie sought information on their exact locations, so he could fit them into his Harmonic Grid. After initially denying their existence outright, the Chinese officials eventually conceded that there are some “trapezoidal tombs” [i] .

According to Hartwig Hausdorf [ii] , they differ in size from between 25 to 100 metres in height, with the exception of one, the Great White Pyramid. It is situated to the north, in the valley of Qin Lin, and is possibly the world’s largest pyramid, with an approximate height of 300 metres (twice the size of Egypt’s largest).

Update! – In 2004 Chris Maier studied satellite images of the Xian region, found the same pyramids as Hausdorf, and then went there and took a look. Turns out that they are not in a “forbidden zone”, are quite well known, and any tourist can take a look, or even climb the biggest pyramid for free! Read his article

Update! – In 2002-2007, Emperor Qin Shihuang’s tomb (home of the terracotta warriors) was proven (using radar and other remote sensing technologies) to be more than a earth mound – underneath the dirt is a four-sided, nine-stepped pyramid, very similar to those in Central America. Read more at Channel 4, and – the image below is the shape they believe the pyramid takes.

Russia – Brat & Sestra, nr Nakhodka

320 metres high each, they were until recently in a military zone. Today they are being mined (or could that be a cover for treasure hunting?) – which explains why the top has been removed from one of them. More at Flip Coppins site


Andong step pyramid, is the best one of pyramids survived being undestroyed in South Korea, is located at soktapri, andong, korea, in the northern valley of Mt. Hakka, 30 km road away from Andong. 13.2 meters by 12.7 meters square and about 4.5 meters high


When Captain Cook visited Tahiti, he described the Marae of Mahaiatea as having a stepped pyramid with a base of 259 by 85 feet. Unfortunately all that remains today is a pile of stones. This drawing comes from the 1799 book The Voyage of McDuff.

Western Samoa

On the island of Savai’i you can find Polynesia’s largest ancient structure, the Pulemelei Mound. The Lonely Planet guide for Samoa describes it:

This large pyramid measures 61 metres by 50 metres at the base and rises in two tiers to a height of more than 12 metres. It is almost squarely oriented with the compass directions.. Smaller mounds and platforms are found in four directions away from the main structure. There is a relatively large platform about 40 metres north of the main pyramid and connected to it by a stone walkway.

Unfortunately the jungle there is almost uncontrollable. The pyramid has been cleared on several occasions, but when I studied it in 1996 it was overgrown and difficult to locate. So much so, that it was only when I kicked a stone embedded in the top platform did I realise I had found it! The bottom right corner of the photo is the pyramid. UPDATE: Since 2002 the site has been cleared and studied by experts. New pictures and information.

Bosnian Pyramids

Bosnian p

In the spring of 2006 five pyramids had been found in central Bosnia in the town Visoko. The biggest is the Pyramid of the Sun with height of 220 metres. Other pyramids are also huge. The Bosnian pyramids don’t look like the Egyptian pyramids. Scientists and researchers from Egypt, Austria, England, Russia, Croatia and other countries join to Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramids of the Sun Foundation to find the truth about builders and meanings of the mysterious pyramids in Bosnia and Herzegovina… >>>

The list of articles about the Bosnian Pyramids:
Impressions of the Bosnia Pyramids—From One American’s Point of View By Sharon Prince Wothke

Official website:

located about 40 km northeast of Milan and about 15 km south of Lecco in Lombardy/Italy there is a small village with 3 pyramid shaped hills. These hills in Montevecchia were discovered in 2003 by the Italian architect Vincenzo DeGregorio.
Read more on European Pyramids

Three pyramidal hills near Florence

14 km south of Florence/Tuscany there are 3 hills near the city of PONTASSIEVE (meaning: bridge over the river Sieve). These hills rise approx.140 m high from elevation 130 m to 270 m. The orientation is N-S/E-W with their edges. They stand in the so-called Orion formation, which means the geometrical pattern is equal to the Belt Stars of Orion. No excavation has been conducted so far. But the area of Pontassieve is well known for its prehistoric finds. There has been a paleolithic settlement dated to 25000 BC.
Read more on European Pyramids
In Greece, there are now 16 catalogued pyramids. Though some may be natural, others—like the Hellinikon pyramid near the village of Argolis—are clearly man-made structures. Intriguingly, one thermo-luminescence test by the Academy of Athens has dated the structure to 2720 BC, contemporaneous with the Egyptian pyramid age. Though pyramidal in shape, the Greek structures do not enthral like the Egyptian pyramids, which dwarf them in size. Read more on European Pyramids

Pyramids of Tenerife island

There is a huge lava stone complex with 6 pyramids, partially reconstructed, in the town of Güimar on Tenerife. Discovered by Thor Heyerdahl in 1999 and turned into a museum with archaeological park.
Read more on European Pyramids

In Maribor, northern Slovenia close to the Austrian border, a hill named Piramida (elevation 386m, height from base to top appr.80m) overlooks the city and has once served as lookout post for the defence of the city. Two more hills, called Kalvarija and Mesti Vrh, of similar height and aligned with Piramida stand next to it. Read more on European Pyramids


Notes on China

Pyramids and pyramidal structures are a worldwide phenomena, found in Egypt, Peru, Central America, America’s Mississippi Valley, France, Polynesia. Now we can add two more locations, China and Japan.For decades, one of the few clues that China has pyramids was a grainy, black and white photo of a huge, shadowy, pyramidal form. It is an aerial shot, taken by WWII USAF pilot James Gaussman, as he flew over China delivering supplies from India to Chungking, in the spring of 1945. (See article below)Today, thanks to German researcher and author Hartwig Hausdorf, we have many more photos, plus videotape and his eyewitness report of at least a hundred pyramids in China’s Shensi Province. An e-mail message hooked me up with Hausdorf. By telephone and fax, we’ve been corresponding, and he was kind enough to send me two of his books in German. (Will someone please publish his books in English so I can read them?) My friend Jo Curran, fluent in German, read me selected portions of Satellites of the Gods for this article. Hausdorf’s other book is entitled The White Pyramid. Hausdorf will be a guest on The Laura Lee Show, the Saturday Night radio show I host, on August 2nd. Here’s what I can say thus far.

Hausdorf came by his invitation to Xian, China, and the Chinese pyramids, when he attended a lecture by Erich von Daniken. A personal friend who wrote the foreword to one of his books, von Daniken was the first to bring the ancient astronaut theory to worldwide prominence through a series of popular books. It was at this lecture that he met Chen Jianli. They talked about Hausdorf’s research dealing with mysterious artifacts in China, including pyramids. Mr. Chen was born in Xian, and so, despite the official party line, did not consider pyramids in China to be nonsense; as a young boy, he had heard people talk of them. Through his connections in the Chinese capitol, Mr. Chen obtained a special permit for Hausdorf to travel in Xian’s forbidden zones. Not once, but twice; in March and October of 1994.

The Chinese don’t like to talk about their pyramids. Hausdorf couldn’t help but notice that, in talking with high ranking archeologists at the Beijing Academy of Sciences about these pyramids, the reaction was one of panic. Only when shown the Gaussman photo would they reluctantly confirm the existence of just a few pyramidal structures, near Xian. That’s where Hausdorf found, not a few pyramids, but ninety to one hundred such structures. There are signs that that attitude is changing. The October 1996 issue of China Today, an official periodical issued in Chinese, German, English, Arabic and French, contains an article about Hausdorf’s second expedition through the Shensi pyramids.

It was there that Hausdorf found pyramids either made of, or covered with, clay that has become nearly stone-hard over the centuries. They are undecorated, and partly damaged by erosion and farming. A few have carved stones standing in front of them. What of stone pyramids? That is found in Shandong. It has no steps. It is 50 feet tall, with a small temple at its apex, designed along the golden proportion.

How old are these pyramids? Prof. Wang Shiping of Xian estimates they are 4,500 years old. Hausdorf believes they are older, and tells of the diaries of two Australian traders. They were there in 1910 or 1912 and came across some of the pyramids, writes Hausdorf. When asking an old Buddhist monk, they were told, that the pyramids are not just mentioned in the 5,000-year-old records of his monastery, but said to be very old. That means, they are at least more than 5,000 years old!

In investigating what the Chinese authorities will reveal about the pyramids, Hausdorf was told the story of an emperor, Qin Shi Huangdi, who lived between 259 and 210 B.C. Prior to his reign, bitter feuding between rival states for dominance over a splintered China went on from 475 to 221 B.C. It was Emperor Huangdi who ended the fighting. And thanks to the commentaries of historian Sima Qian, who lived from 145 to 86 B.C., we know the existence and location of the emperor’s grave, beneath a hill 150 feet tall, planted with grass and trees. The hill, apparently, is man-made. According to Sima, beneath this hill is a 140-foot-tall pyramid with five terraces. The historian’s chronicles state that almost 700,000 workers worked on this tomb. The earth was removed down to ground water level. The floor was then poured with molten bronze. On this platform a stone sarcophagus was laid. When the structure was completed, those who knew where the entrance was were silenced; they were entombed alive. To further disguise it, the pyramid was carefully covered with earth and grass to give the impression of a natural hill.

The pyramid’s interior was quite elaborate. Sima wrote of an artificial universe painted with stars impressed upon the ceiling of the chamber in which the emperor lies. There was an entire landscape with rivers made out of mercury, somehow held in constant motion. The tomb is well protected against grave robbers, utilizing quite an ingenious security system. Crossbows with mechanical triggers make up an automatic shooting gallery, with a hail of arrows targeting intruders. For a long time, these historical commentaries were considered as mere legends. But new excavations around the outer perimeter of this hill seemed to confirm Sima’s chronicles, an analysis of the earth from the immediate area of the great pyramid revealed an exceptionally high concentration of mercury. It would seem the archeologists are taking the stories seriously, as they are reticent to work around this ancient emperor’s high-security tomb. We are leaving this tomb under the hill to the future, so the next generation has something to work on, says one of the leading archeologists.

Still, this emperor lived two thousand, not five thousand years ago, so such stories of elaborate tombs cannot explain all of China’s pyramids. This is the only one that they can pin with a date and a purpose. The others are complete mysteries.

Wang Shiping is one of the Chinese archeologists looking beyond the standard issue explanations. He has found that one of the newly discovered pyramids is very nearly located at the exact geographical middle point of the country, and concludes that the ancient Chinese must have had astounding methods of measuring. He has also found that on the whole, the pyramids are oriented towards the stars. Which makes sense, after all, some of the oldest records of astronomical observations are Chinese. They were also wise to the ancient knowledge of Feng Shui, geomancy, still practiced today. Wang notes that the orientation of the pyramids up to the time of the Han dynasty, is with their main axis east-west. After that, they were all oriented north-south. Why that is, he cannot say, but is sure it must have a meaning, because the Chinese didn’t do anything without consulting the Feng Shui.

Hausdorf also tells the story of how our astronauts saw these pyramids from space. On one of the Apollo Missions, an astronaut, while in orbit over China, saw nine unusual dots on the surface, and took several photos. When developed and enlarged, the photos revealed nine very high pyramids, evenly spaced, in the form of a fan. The location, 170 degrees, 39 minutes East longitude, and 34 degrees, 9 minutes North latitude, is the Taibai Shan Mountain, just over 10,000 feet above sea level, the highest point in the Quin-Ling Mountains, a fair distance southwest of Xian.

In the 1970s, when communication between the U.S. and China improved, the astronaut went to China. He was interested in seeing those pyramids up close. He succeeded. Chinese authorities told him the pyramids were the graves of nine of the eleven emperors of the western Han era, and dated from 206 to 8 B.C. The height of these graves, according to Chinese sources, can be compared to a 40-story building, around 300 feet. This is comparable to Egypt’s Giza pyramids.

I’ll wager that when mapped, those Chinese pyramids are bound to show a correlation of constellations important to the Chinese, similar to that demonstrated by Robert Bauval in Egypt, the three pyramids of Giza are aligned to one another and to the Nile, in imitation of the three belt stars of the constellation Orion, and historically, as they were aligned to the Milky Way.

Hausdorf’s work in the travel industry allows him to move around the world three months of every year, chasing down evidence in support of the ancient astronaut theory. He has turned up evidence for an ancient, alien influence on several Far-East cultures, Chinese, Japanese, Tibetan, and Mongolian. He believes that alien influence can be traced to the present, to modern-day UFO cases. In both his books, he has a chapter on UFO cases in China, including abductions. (Nice to know the UFOnauts aren’t just harassing Americans.)

One of the most controversial stories is what Hausdorf calls the Chinese Roswell. It involves a UFO crash, not in 1947, but, according to estimates, 12,000 years ago! At least that’s the translation, as read by Prof. Tsum Umnui, of the strange heiroglyph on artifacts found in 1938 by Chinese archeologist Chi Pu Tei. The heiroglyphs wind from center to rim on some of the large granite stone disks, 716 of them, found in graves in the Bayan-Kara-Ula mountains. The skeletons in the graves measure at most four feet four inches tall, with heads too big for the frail looking bones. Legends in the area tell of strange yellowish, skinny humanoid beings with big heads that came from the heavens a long, long time ago. For the rest of this story, and there’s plenty more to it, tune in to the interview with Hausdorf on August 2.

Then there are the structures found recently off the coast of Japan. In the spring of 1995, divers looking for clear water heard about a remote island in Okinawa. There they came across huge stone terraces, cut in right angles, punctuated by perfect staircases, precisely cut lanes, and hexagonal columns. So far, five separate sites on three different islands have been found, all 60 to 75 feet under the sea.

Frank Joseph, author of Lost Pyramids of Rock Lake and editor of Ancient American magazine, went to Japan to investigate, and reports that the most accessible site is 170 meters from the southwest end of Okinawa, off the shore near Chatan. Other sites are just off the shore of Aguni Island and Yonaguni Island, where a pyramidal platform 80 meters long and 20 meters high, with its tip only 5 meters below the sea’s surface, was found. The structures, spread over a 500 kilometer area, seem to be oriented due south.

Joseph likens the sites to the pre-Inca city of Pachacamac, a huge, sacred city with multi-stepped pyramids built at right angles, located just outside of Lima, Peru, and the architecture of the Moches ceremonial center near Trujillo, Peru.

Joseph also points out that James Churchward, who wrote extensively about Mu or Lemuria, predicted that remnants of a powerful civilization centered in the Pacific Ocean would eventually be discovered. The Japanese are quite open to theories involving Mu; it is compatible with their own ancient traditions. And Joseph believes it is not mere coincidence that the names of Japan’s first emperors contain a mu,; Jimmu, Timmu, Kammu, are but a few. Mu translates to that which does not exist in Japanese.

Edgar Cayce talks more about Atlantis than Mu, says Joseph, but he did say that at one time, a land mass, and he never referred to Mu or Lemuria as a continent, always a land mass, was physically connected to South America. We now have scientific verification of this. Scripps Oceanographic has just put out a map of the topography of the ocean, and there, off the coast of Peru, is a sunken archipelago, called the Nasca Rise, that was once above water. Today it is less than a hundred feet below the ocean’s surface, and extends for several hundred miles.

The ancient Chinese also seemed to know about Mu. In 1900 a Taoist monk came across a cave containing a library, hidden away to avoid the Imperial edict given in 212 BC to destroy all texts dealing with the ancient past, which made reference to the Motherland, Mu, and which contained a fragment of an ancient map depicting a continent in the Pacific Ocean.

Television and magazines in Japan have had a field day with their underwater cities. Ancient mysteries researcher and translator Shun Daichi sent me a videotape with serious and extensive TV coverage that included a large, beautifully executed scale model of one of the most impressive structures, with a toy boat suspended by a wire to illustrate the height of the sea’s surface. Shun reports that you can draw a straight line connecting the underwater sites with on-land sites of similar design, ancient castles of unknown origin. Some geologists are surmising that the last time this area was above water was a minimum of 12,000 years ago, when the Ice Age ice sheets melted, raising the ocean levels.

Which leads me to two of the most puzzling questions I have about these extraordinary archeological wonders: Why, in the age of instantaneous global communication, did it take two years for the news to reach us, and why haven’t American news reports or archeological institutes reported on these newsworthy finds?

by Laura Lee @

This long-forgotten pyramid recently was
snapped from the air by army photographers
in a remote region of western China.
Col. Maurice Shehan, Far Eastern director of
Trans-world Airlines, was among the first to
report the phenomenon.

Aerial view of the Chinese Xianyang pyramid

image credit:


This is a list of Mesoamerican pyramids or ceremonial structures. There are hundreds of these done in many different styles throughout Mexico and Central America. These were made by several pre-Columbian cultures including the OlmecsMayaToltecs, and Aztecs.

Altun Ha Belize.jpgAltun Ha Belize Maya 16 200 to 900 CE

Caracol-Temple.jpgCaracol Belize Caana Maya A triadic pyramid, the highest man-made structure in Belize
Caracol Belize Temple of the Wooden Lintel Maya
 High Temple Lamanai 1.jpgLamanai Belize The High Temple  Maya   Pre-Classic Period
 Lamanai 3.jpgLamanai Belize  The Temple of the Jaguar  Maya  Pre-Classic Period
Lubaantun-structure.jpgLubaantun Belize Maya   730 to 890 CE Lubaantun’s structures are mostly built of large stone blocks laid with no mortar, primarily black slate rather than the limestone typical of the region.
Lubantuun black slate.jpgLubaantun Belize Maya   730 to 890 CE Lubaantun includes many small step pyramids as well as the larger one.
Nim Li Punit Belize Maya  400 to 800 CE Nim Li Punit has several small step pyramids.
Xunantunich main temple.jpgXunantunich Belize El Castillo Maya  600 to 900 CE  
Piramide5 campana sanandres.jpgSan Andrés, El Salvador  the Bell of San Andrés Maya   600 to 900 CE  This is a scale model of structure 5. There are several other smaller structures that may be similar to pyramids on the site.
 Templo tazumal.jpgTazumal El Salvador Maya   250 to 900 CE 
Aguateca-plaza.jpgAguatecaGuatemala Maya 760 to 830 CE This temple pyramid was left unfinished when the city was abandoned.
Dos PilasGuatemalaLD-Maya  after 629 CE This pyramid’s main stairway (known as Hieroglyphic Stairway 2) contains at least eighteen hieroglyphic steps.
Dos PilasGuatemalaEl DuendeMaya   after 629 CE This temple pyramid was built by enlarging and terracing a natural hill some way from the site core, giving the impression of a single massive structure.
KaminaljuyuGuatemala Maya   250 CE Kaminaljuyu contains some 200 platforms and pyramidal mounds at least half of which were made before 250 CE. Some of these were used to hold temples on top.
El MiradorGuatemalaLa DantaMaya  300 BCE to 100 CE La Danta pyramid temple has an estimated volume of 2,800,000 cubic meters which makes it one of the largest pyramids in the world.
Mixco Viejo.jpgEl MiradorGuatemalaEl TigreMaya  300 BCE to 100 CE   Mixco ViejoGuatemala Maya   1100 to 1500 CE  
 Tikal Temple1 2006 08 11.JPGTikal Guatemala Maya   
CopanRuins.jpgCopán Honduras Maya     Copán has several overlapping step-pyramids.
Bonampak pyramid.jpgBonampak MexicoThe Temple of the Murals Maya   580 to 800 CE  
Calakmul MexicoThe Great Pyramid Maya
 Chichen Itza 3.jpgChichen ItzaMexicoEl Castillo Maya
Cholula Pyramid.jpgCholula MexicoThe Great Pyramid of CholulaXelhua 300 BCE – 800 CE The largest pyramid and the largest manmade monument anywhere in the world.
Coba Nohoch Mul-27527.jpgCoba MexicoThe Nohoch Mul pyramidMaya  500 to 900 CE  
 Coba Group Pyramid-27527.jpgCoba MexicoLa IglesiaMaya  500 to 900 CE 
Coba Crossroads Temple.jpgCoba MexicoCrossroads TempleMaya   500 to 900 CE
Comalcalco Templo 1.JPGComalcalco MexicoTemple  Maya  600 BCE to 900 CE The city’s buildings were made from fired-clay bricks held together with mortar made from oyster shells. The use of bricks at Comalcalco was unique among Maya sites, and many of them are decorated with iconography and/or hieroglyphs.
El Tajín Pyramid of the Niches.jpgEl Tajín MexicoPyramid of the Niches  Classic Veracruz 
La Venta Pirámide cara sur.jpgLa Venta MexicoThe Great Pyramid Olmec    This is one of the earliest pyramids known in Mesoamerica. It was made out of an estimated 100,000 cubic meters of earth fill.
LaReforma1.JPGMoral-Reforma MexicoConjunto Maya
  Palenque tall temple stairs.jpgPalenque Mexico Temple of the CrossMaya
  Palenque temple 1.jpgPalenque Mexico Temple of the InscriptionsMaya
Pyramid of Santa Cecilia.jpgSanta Cecilia Acatitlan Mexico Aztec     In 1962, the architect and archaeologist Eduardo Pareyon Moreno reconstructed and reinforced the pyramid’s basement and rebuilt the temple that crowns it.
Tenayuca.jpgTenayuca Mexico Aztec    This is the earliest example yet found of the typical Aztec double pyramid, which consists of joined pyramidal bases supporting two temples.
ScaleModelTemploMayor.JPGTenochtitlan MexicoTemplo MayorAztec  1390 to 1500 CE Tenochtitlan was destroyed by the Spanish. Recreations of this and other pyramids are based on historical text and archaeological ruins.
TenochtitlanModel.JPGTenochtitlan Mexico Aztec   1325 to 1521 CE Tenochtitlan was destroyed by the Spanish. Recreations the city are based on historical text and archaeological ruins. This site once included at least half a dozen pyramids.
Piramide del Sol 072006.JPGTeotihuacan MexicoPyramid of the SunTeotihuacano 2 A.D. There are also dozens of platforms 4 stories high lining the Avenue of the Dead at Teotihuacan. These each step in each story and they have a stair way to the top in front of the platforms.
Piramide de la Luna 072006.jpgTeotihuacan MexicoPyramid of the MoonTeotihuacano  2 A.D.
Panorámica de la zona arqueologica de Tula.JPGTula, Hidalgo Mexico Toltec
Uxmal Pyramid of the Magician.jpgUxmal Mexico Pyramid of the MagicianMaya
La Gran Pyramide.jpgUxmal MexicoLa Gran Pyramide Maya
Xochicalcotempleofinscriptions.jpgXochicalco MexicoTemple of the Feather Serpent    200 BCE to 900 CE 
Mexico xochicalco pyramids.JPGXochicalco Mexico     200 BCE to 900 CE This is one of several other step-pyramid temples in addition to the Temple of the Feather Serpent
Xochitecatl MexicoThe Pyramid of Flowers   the Preclassic Period
Xochitecatl MexicoThe Spiral Building    700 BCE This is a circular stepped pyramid. The interior of the structure consists of volcanic ash. The building has no stairway giving access to the top, it was climbed by following the spiral form of the building itself.
Yaxchilan 1.jpgYaxchilan Mexico Maya   600 to 900 CE This is one of the pyramids on the upper terrace of Yaxchilan



Giza, on the southern outskirts of Cairo is the location of the Pyramid of Khufu (also known as the “Great Pyramid” and the “Pyramid of Cheops”), the somewhat smaller Pyramid of Khafre (or Kephren), and the relatively modest-sized Pyramid of Menkaure (or Mykerinus), along with a number of smaller satellite edifices, known as “queens” pyramids, and the Sphinx. The Giza necropolis has arguably been the world’s most popular tourist destination since antiquity, and was popularized in Hellenistic times when the Great Pyramid was listed by Antipater of Sidon as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Today it is the only one of the ancient Wonders still in existence.


Major pyramids at Sakkara include the Step Pyramid of Djozer – the world’s oldest monumental stone building – the Pyramid of Userkaf and the Pyramid of Teti. Also at Sakkara is the Pyramid of Unas , which retains a causeway that is amongst the best preserved in Egypt. This pyramid was also the subject of one of antiquities’ earliest restoration attempts, conducted under the auspices of one of the sons of Ramses II. Sakkara is also the location of the incomplete step pyramid of Djozer’s successor Sekhemkhet . Archaeologists believe that had this pyramid been completed it would have been larger than Djozer’s.

Abu Sir

There are a total of seven pyramids at this sight, which served as the main royal necropolis during the Fifth Dynasty. The quality of construction of the Abu Sir pyramids is inferior to those of the Fourth Dynasty – perhaps signaling a decrease in royal power or a less vibrant economy. They are smaller than their predecessors, and are built of low quality local limestone. The three major pyramids are those of Niuserre (which is also the most intact), Nferirkare and Sahure . The sight is also home to the incomplete Pyramid of Neferefre . All of the major pyramids at Abu Sir were built as step pyramids, although the largest of them – the Pyramid of Nferirkare – is believed to have originally been built as a step pyramid some 70 metres(230 feet) in height and then later transformed into a “true” pyramid by having its steps filled in with loose masonry.


Dashur is arguably the most important pyramid field in Egypt outside Giza and Sakkara, although until recently the sight was inaccessible due to its location within a military base, and hence was virtually unknown outside archaeological circles. The southern Pyramid of Sneferu , commonly known as the Bent Pyramid is believed to be the first (or by some accounts, second) attempt at creating a pyramid with smooth sides. In this it was only a partial – but nonetheless visually arresting – success; it remains the only Egyptian pyramid to retain a significant proportion of its original limestone casing, and serves as the best example of the luminous appearance common to all pyramids in their original state. The northern, or Red Pyramid built at the same location by Sneferu was later successfully completed as the world’s first true smooth-sided pyramid. Despite its relative obscurity, the Red Pyramid is actually the third largest pyramid in Egypt – after the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre at Giza. Also at Dashur is the so-called Black Pyramid of Amenemhet III .


The pyramid at Meidun is one of three constructed during the reign of Sneferu , and is believed by some to have been commenced by that pharaoh’s father and predecessor, Huni. Some archaelogists also suggest that the Meidun pyramid may have been the first unsuccessful attempt at the construction of a “true” or smooth-sided pyramid. Suffering a catastrophic collapse in antiquity, only the central parts of its stepped inner core remain standing, giving it an odd tower-like appearance that is unique among Egyptian pyramids. The hill that the pyramid sits atop is not a natural landscape feature – it is in fact the small mountain of debris created when the lower courses and outer casing of the pyramid gave way.


Amenemhet III was the last powerful ruler of the 12th Dynasty, and the pyramid he built at Hawarra, near Faiyum, is believed to post date the so called “Black Pyramid” built by the same ruler at Dashur. It is the Hawarra pyramid that is believed to have been Amenemhet’s final resting place. The huge mortuary temple that originally stood adjacent to this pyramid is believed to have formed the basis of the labyrinth mentioned by such ancient historians as Herodotus, Strabo and Diodorus Siculus, and which is said to have been the model for the labyrinth built by Daedalus for King Minos of Crete to house the Minotaur.


Two major pyramids are known to have been built at Lisht – those of Amenemhat I and his son, Senusret I (Sesostris I). The latter is surrounded by the ruins of ten smaller subsidiary pyramids. The sight which is in the vicinity of the oasis of Fayyum, midway between Dashur and Meidun, and about 100 kilometres south of Cairo , is believed to be in the vicinity of the ancient city of Iti-tawi (the precise location of which remains unknown), which served as the capital of Egypt during the 12th Dynasty.

Zawyet el-Aryan

This sight, half way between Giza and Abu Sir, is the location for two unfinished Old Kingdom pyramids. The northern structure’s owner is believed to be the Pharaoh Nebka, whilst the southern structure is attributed to the Third Dynasty Pharaoh Khaba, also known as Hudjefa, successor to Sekhemket. Khaba’s four year tenure as pharaoh more than likely explains the similar premature truncation of his step pyramid. Today it is approximately 20 metres(65 feet) in height; had it been completed it is likely to have exceeded forty(130 feet).

Abu Rawash

Abu Rawash is the sight of Egypt’s most northerly pyramid – the mostly ruined Pyramid of Djedefre, the son and successor of Khufu. Originally it was thought that this pyramid had never been completed, but the current archaelogicical consensus is that not only was it completed, but that it was originally about the same size as the Pyramid of Menkaure – the third largest of the Giza pyramids.

Il Lahun

The pyramid of Senwosret II at Il Lahun is the southernmost pyramid structure in Egypt. Its builders reduced the amount of work necessary to construct it by ingeneously using as its foundation and core a 12 metre high natural limestone hill.

re blogged from

The prisons

May 14, 2013

Piranesi (1720-1778) was an Italian artist who gained fame for his engravings of the views and architecture of Ancient Rome.


The prison is the place where humans are placed to be excluded from everyday interactions of the World. Their particular world is enclosed, with little chance of personal growth and joys are often restricted to the confines of their circumstances. It is in the main a miserable condition.

The world that is in existence at the moment for all humans is very much like that. Much of the populace is chained by debt and anchored securely to a system that ensures their free time is limited and social interaction occurs by proxy via on-line social groups.
The population, have their minds bombarded with trivia and constantly assaulted by manufactured desires that create unworthiness and envy.
The greatest and most restrictive of prisons is the mind and if that has its natural freedoms of expression and creativity halted then Depression, Anger, illness prevail.

The prisoner rarely raises their heads in case the guards interpret that small gesture one of defiance to authority. Yet authority belongs to no one but the individual. In a balanced sane society and culture agreements are made for interaction that produce no harm. One does not desire to become the overlord nor does one desire to cheat or manipulate.

The social forms that we call governments rule by fear and the threat of inflicting misery upon their people. Yet all contribute to their success in continued oppression.

Governments are elected so surely they should be mindful of their duties to the electorate. Yet time and again we see governments relinquish their power to great corporate entities that have managed to swallow much of the human and physical resources of the world.
To list all of the crimes against human kind would be exhaustive. It would be much better for you my dear friend to go and search for truth rather than be told. Examine your own and your fellows conditions, in all nations. Use your faculties of reason and skepticism to arrive not at anyone else’s view of truth but your own.

Contractor Bulldozes Mayan Temple now in Alabama

May 13, 2013

There seems to be an assault  upon the ancient temples of Mexico and south America, Private contractors and corporate interest like  Walmart are destroying world heritage sites. It seems like wanton vandalism of the worse sort but maybe it is more sinister.

No More Noh Mul? Contractor Bulldozes Mayan Temple
posted (May 10, 2013)

Today we learned that a major Mayan Monument had been bulldozed for roadfill aggregate. 7news went to Orange Walk District, near the northern district boundary to find out that Noh Mul – or at least a large part of it – is no more. It’s a stunning development – and Jules Vasquez reports.

Jules Vasquez reporting
Noh Mul. it’s name means the Big Hill but it’s not so big any more, this once towering and stout ceremonial center in San Jose/San Pablo has been whittled down to a narrow core by excavators and bulldozers. Whodunnit? Contractors who’re using the rich gravel and limestone content to fill roads in nearby Douglas Village.

Now, this was the main temple, the ceremonial center for Noh Mul, at about 20 metres among the tallest buildings in Northern Belize – and it’s not centuries old, it’s millennia, thousands of years old and the thought that it’s rich limestone bricks cut with stone tools in the BC era, the thought that this could be used for road fill is a manifest outrage and a particularly painful one for these Archeologists who were called out to the area today. We were there when they first arrived and got their initial emotional reaction:

Dr. Allan Moore – Archaeologist, Institute of Archaeology
“This is one of the largest bulding in Norther Belize. I am appalled! I was hoping that when I was driving up from the main San Juan road that it would not be this one but when I got closer I couldn’t believe it when I saw all the trucks. This is an incredible destruction.”

Dr. John Morris – Archaeologist, Institute of Archaeology
“This is one of the worst that I have seen in my entire 25 years of Archaeology in Belize. We can’t salvaged what has happened out here – it is an incredible display of ignorance. I am appalled and don’t know what to say at this particular moment.”

And so were we when we first arrived before the NICH team and this man who claims some control over the area – which is private property – came to us brandishing a machete and shouting threats at us. He arrived with the dumptrucks to haul more material – but after they saw us they retreated. But yesterday, they were there, CTV-3 captured this footage of the same excavator at work and trucks hauling away aggregate and this truck, the same one we say the machete man using today drove them out of the area. And while they had to retreat, the pillage continued unfettered. That didn’t happen today because the authorities were there but it had been happening for some time.

Jules Vasquez
“They chose this structure because it is such a good resource of gravel for the road fill?”

Dr. Allan Moore
“I would imagine that the structure – the mound would give them that sort of mixture of that rubble and that type of material they are looking for. I know that the Ministry of Works always complains that it makes road fill.”

It makes good road fill and that is what it is being used for reportedly in nearby Douglas Village and incredible inversion of value, that what the Maya built with stone tools and manual labour ages ago is being demolished with heavy equipment, because these contractors are too lazy to find a proper quarry.

Dr. John Morris
“Whenever you have these large looking mounds out here – they are clearly going to be man made it is not going to be natural. This is Noh Mul it is one of the largest site in Belize. It is incredible that someone would actually have the gall to destroy this building out here. There is no way that one can say that they did not know. Even for you guys as lay people can look and you’ll see the building. Regardless of whether or not they were aware of any excavation, I think that it is very clear to me that whomever is responsible for this will have to face the consequences of it. Because there is absolutely no way that they would not know that these are maya Mounds.”

Now to be fair, there are about 2000 sites in Belize and tens of thousands of mounds all across the country and most of them look like this completely overgrown that look like abrupt hills or elevations but really, the Maya built them all and they are everywhere.

Jules Vasquez
“Now suppose someone would flip the ctriticism and say ‘Man you all are Archaeology – you all know this is here, then you all should have protected it, cordon it off or done soemthing with it so that ignorant people would not have their way with it.'”

Dr. Allan Moore
“I like your approach and I would say the same. Belize is 8,867 square miles of jungle. We are only around 16 personell in the department. We can’t be in the Chiquibul and at the same time being at La Milpa. We applaud whoever can help us. It is our herritage and we all have to chip in and when things like this happen – it affects all of us.”

Indeed, it impoverishes all of Belize’s patrimony particularly for this site, one of the four major Mayan sites in all of northern Belize from the pre-classic era.

We found monochrome pottery shards typical of the pre-classic area all over the place, many reduced to rubble, and indeed we could have even played amateur archaeologist and who knows what they got out of this hole where someone tunneled in.

Dr. Allan Moore
“Well obviously Jules this was around maybe 250bc and it would have been part of the ceremonial precinct, this would have been probably a public building or a building where the Nobels or the High Priest would have occupied. This building would have been probably the focal point. These mounds you are seeing around here and another group over there – they might have had connectivity between ceremonial administrative religious function here. This was sort of the epi-center of this settlement.”

Dr. John Morris
“Like a huge palace or building or a huge temple it would have had many rooms in there, multi-layered rooms so you have rooms for people living and you would also had several tombs in there of the people who lived in this area here.”

The name we saw on the heavy equipment is D-Mar Construction – owned by Denny Grijalva, UDP hopeful for Orange Walk Central. Grijalva said he knew nothing about the project and referred us to his foreman who never answered at least a dozen calls we made to him. Then Grijalva said he would be there in twenty minutes, we waited fourty and left – we had been stood up.

The Archaeologists from NICH went back and brought police officers to make sure workstopped – police photographed it like any crime scene dwarfed by the scale of the monument.

Dr. Allan Moore
“We usually bring the police with us they help us to put a stop order to the work that’s been carried out here by the bulldozer. If there were anyone out here when the police came we would have probably taken them to the Police station for questioning because they have no business doing this out here. The primary legal aspect of this case here is going to rest on the destruction of an ancient Maya Monument/Building.”

Jules Vasquez
“Just for the avoidance of doubt – all work here must cease and desist immediately?”

Dr. Allan Moore
“Yes I think we will have to get a word with whoever is in charge and tell them to quit now and all operations would have to stop.”

But, really, it’s too late, the archaeologists say it’s been dug so deep in the middle in that when the rain comes, it could well collapse. So, once a monument to antiquity now a monument to ignorance and expediency.

Dr. Allan Moore
“It’s a monument of ignorance and unfortunately that’s the way it is. We always try to look at the positive side. Now we will probably have to look at this and say that it is a good example of what not to do.”

Director of the Institute of Archeology Dr. Jaime Awe told us today that what has happened is “intolerable.” He says they will lay charges against the company D-Mar’s and the landowner because the machinery was on site and the land owner should have not given permission for the mining to have proceeded. We’ll keep following that part of the story.

To give a broader sense of context – the site known as Noh Mul or “Big Hill” is scattered over a wide area about 12 square miles – and is estimated to have been home to 40,000 people between 500 and 250 BC. There are about 81 separate buildings – all on private property. But the one that has been destroyed is the namesake, the Big Hill – as it was the ceremonial center and main structure.

Interestingly, Grijlava told us that when his foreman got there, he would apologize on behalf of the company, D-Mar’s and the Deputy Prime Minister, Gaspar Vega. Vega’s name comes in because Noh Mul is in Orange Walk North, and the roadfill is reportedly being used in nearby Douglas Village. Of course, we never met the foreman, but we have learned that after we left with the Archeologists, he did arrive and removed the heavy equipment.



Walmart destroys the cultural heritage of Mexico

26 April 2013

The Pyramid of The Sun and Avenue of The Dead, viewed from the top of Pyramid of The Moon, are the symbol of Teotihuacán in Mexico.

The Pyramid of The Sun and Avenue of The Dead, viewed from the top of Pyramid of The Moon, are the symbol of Teotihuacán in Mexico.

Part of the ancient Teotihuacán site, pictured above, is now underneath a Walmart. Walmart destroys Mexico’s cultural heritage for profit. An archaeologist gives her view.

– By Dr Donna Yates

As an archaeologist, I welcome the news that “[t]rade unions in Canada, the United States and Mexico are preparing protests and legal action against the Mexican subsidiary of Walmart” . That $24 million in bribes was allegedly paid by Walmart representatives to built the store at Teotihuacán is sad, but, in hindsight, makes a lot of sense. It takes a lot of gall to wilfully risk a country’s most beloved heritage site and, as it seems, it takes a lot of money too. However, I am sure Walmart felt it was worth it: if only a fraction of the 2.5 million annual visitors to Teotihuacán walk through Walmart’s doors, they would have easily recouped their ‘investment’.

Instead of focusing on corporate financial corruption at Teotihuacán, I would like to discuss corporate heritage corruption. The level of briberyexposed by the New York Times would be outrageous in any context, however this is not just any context, this is Teotihuacán. Teotihuacán was one of the most powerful and influential cultural complexes of the Americas. It was one of the largest cities in the world during its heyday. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, meant to be preserved as the cultural heritage of all humanity.

Now a portion of it is underneath a Walmart.

Teotihuacán, which is located only about 50km from Mexico City, has become an important symbol of Mexican identity. Even before the Spanish Conquest, the site as a ruin was an evocative place shrouded in nationalistic foundation mythology. As of yet, we do not know what the builders of the site called their own city, however the Aztec name for the place, Teotihuacán (which means something along the lines of “place where the gods were born”), displays the holiness, wonder, and importance of the site.

Lack of written records shroud Teotihuacán in mystery. What we do know comes from extensive archaeological excavations, the written records of the literate neighbouring Maya cultures, and even the deep cultural memories of the native peoples of the region. Teotihuacán was massive and by the 5th century AD, the city was sprawling: it covered over 36 square km and housed, based on some estimates, over 200,000 people. The Teotihuacanos built tremendous structures (the Pyramid of the Sun, for example, is 225 m across and 75 m tall), they developed innovative land reclamation schemes, and there is significant evidence that Teotihuacán was a planned city: purposefully laid out on a grid and zoned. The city appears to have had a significant influence over the region via extensive trade networks, political connections (it is though that Teotihuacanos were the founders of some of the most powerful Maya dynasties), and a outpouring of persuasive iconography. All of this without having developed the wheel, without any beasts of burden, and without the written word.

The Teotihuacan of today is both beautiful and popular.  Around 2.5 million people visit Teotihuacán each year and, according to a study conducted by the Mexican National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), on Teotihuacan’s busiest day of the year, controlled groups of 20 to 30 tourists visit the Pyramid of the Sun every 5 minutes. It is not a remote archaeological site without modern value. It is not an ugly ruin standing in the way of progress. It is a living monument to the past, a place for Mexicans and foreigners to reflect on who we were, who we are, and where we are going in the future.

A protest against the Walmart development

A protest against the Walmart development

Thus when the word got out in 2003/4 that a Walmart store was to be built “near” to Teotihuacán, the archaeological community became extremely worried. We archaeologists often find our discipline difficult to explain to outsiders, specifically outsiders with an unyielding eye for unnuanced commercial development. Just because the core of Teotihuacán is massive and visible, doesn’t mean that the archaeology stops at the edge of the temple. Rather it extends, under the ground, in all directions, hidden from view but waiting to be exposed and studied. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it is not there.

A particularly cringe-worthy example of this is the US Army’s use of the Iraqi site of Babylon. While some of the damage to the site was to visible and important ruins, at least some of the destruction was, apparently, due to a misunderstanding of the site map. Trenches were dug and heavy vehicles were parked in areas that, visually, looked empty but were actually within the ancient city walls. Such activity destabilised the previously-preserved underground archaeological remains and caused destruction that we are not even able to assess.

It is this periphery, these outer zones of sites, that are most at risk for destruction from development. It is difficult to convince planning authorities to protect this kind of past simply because people cannot believe what they cannot directly see. Even worse, it is in these areas that the average people lived: the people who built the massive pyramids, not the people who lived in them. The archaeology of real life, of workers, of farmers, of craftspeople, of the everyday is the hardest to preserve. It gets paved over and destroyed.

Walmart Mexico

When archaeologists heard that a Walmart store was being opened near the site we thought “here we go again”. The maths seems simple: Teotihuacán covered 36 square km at its peak. The Walmart was being built only 1 km from the preserved tourist park of Teotihuacán and 2.4 km from the Pyramid of the Sun. The Walmart was being built on Teotihuacán. We were horrified but we, and our supporters were powerless to stop the construction. Archaeologists were accused of being in the way of progress, of preventing this new source of jobs to the area (never mind the threat to both locally-owned business and to the massive number of people employed at the archaeological park), of being unreasonable. Now it has been alleged that the construction was the result of significant corruption on the part of both Walmart and local officials. Perhaps the only thing we were standing in the way of was someone’s pay-off.

The construction of the Walmart at Teotihuacán has taken a toll on the site. Even though Teotihuacán is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, UNESCO has stated that it was not informed that the Walmart was being constructed, a potential breach of the preservation plan associated with the site. As early as 2005 (the year after the construction of the Walmart), UNESCO has sent technical teams to review the construction and to assess site damage. A 2005 report states that no significant archaeological remains were destroyed during the construction of the Walmart (but, recall, the archaeological remains of everyday people are usually classed as ‘insignificant’), “however, the visual integrity of the property with its setting can be compromised affecting its associated symbolic values.”

The Walmart is visible from the top of the Pyramid of the Sun.

According to UNESCO, Mexico has failed to adequately address this issue. In 2007 Mexico “did not submit the design, adoption and implementation of the integrated Archaeological Site Management Plan as requested by the World Heritage Committee in 2005”. They failed to submit a plan in 2008, rather submitted a report that “contains little new substantive information concerning the current situation to address the requests of the World Heritage Committee”. A 2009 report submitted to UNESCO by Mexico also “does not contain substantive informationconcerning the current status of the property, the intersectorial working group related to the impacts of uncontrolled development, and thus does not respond to all the issues raised by the World Heritage Committee”. A management plan was finally submitted in 2010 and a report on the implementation of this plan was submitted in 2012. Of note in this report is the statement that “access to areas not excavated or closed to the public need stronger restrictions to mitigate deterioration generated by accumulation of trash, structural wear and vandalism”. Eight years before a Walmart was built on just such an area.

I share in the outrage surrounding the allegations of corruption involved in this scandal, however I urge readers to not lose sight of what we may have lost. Luis Gálvez, a leader of the workers’ union of the state National Institute of Anthropology and History, has stated that the Walmart at Teotihuacan is an “offence against Mexico”. I would contend that it is more than that. It is an offence against our shared cultural heritage. Everyone who visits the site, everyone who climbs the Temple of the Sun to look out over the Valley of Mexico and imagine the vast ancient city, painted bright colours and sparkling in the Central American sun will either have to pretend not to see the Walmart or ask themselves why it is there.

That certainly isn’t what I would have wanted.


Alabama city destroying ancient Indian mound for Sam’s Club

oxford_indian_mound_by_ginger.jpgCity leaders inOxford, Ala.have approved the destruction of a 1,500-year-old Native American ceremonial mound and are using the dirt as fill for a new Sam’s Club, a retail warehouse store operated by Wal-Mart.{C}A University of Alabama archaeology report commissioned by the city found that the site was historically significant as the largest of several ancient stone and earthen mounds throughout the Choccolocco Valley. But Oxford Mayor Leon Smith — whose campaign has financial connections to firms involved in the $2.6 million no-bid project — insists the mound is not man-made and was used only to “send smoke signals.”

“The City of Oxford and its archaeological advisers have completed a review and evaluation of a stone mound that was identified near Boiling Springs, Calhoun County, Alabama, and have concluded that the mound is the result of natural phenomena and does not meet the eligibility criteria for the Natural [sic] Register of Historic Places,” according to a news releaseSmith issued last week.

In fact, the report does not conclude the mound is a result of “natural phenomena” but says very clearly it is of “cultural origin.” And while the University’s Office of Archaeological Research does not believe the site qualifies for the National Register of Historic Places, theAlabama Historical Commission disagrees, noting that the structure meets at least three criteria for inclusion: its “association with a broad pattern of history,” architecture “embodying distinctive characteristics,” and for the information it might yield to scholars.

The site is also significant to Native Americans. The Woodland and Mississippian cultures that inhabited the Southeast and Midwest before Europeans arrived constructed and used these mounds for various rituals, which may have included funerals. There are concerns that human remains may be present at the site, though none have been found yet.

United South and Eastern Tribes, a nonprofit coalition of 25 federally recognized tribes from Maine to Texas, passed a resolution in 2007 calling for the preservation of such structures, which it calls “prayer in stone.” Native Americans have held protests against the mound’s demolition, and last week someone altered a sign for the Leon Smith Parkway that runs past the development to read “Indian Mound Pkwy.”

A local resident named Johnny Rollins told the Anniston Star how his Native American grandmother taught him that when she died he could “go to that mountain” to talk to her:

“It seems like it’s taking part of you away,” he said of the demolition. “I always felt I had ties to that there.”

Since the media began reporting on the site’s demolition, city officials have revised their storyand are now claiming that dirt from the mound is not being used as fill, despite earlier statements to the contrary. But eyewitnesses say they have seen workers hauling dirt from the mound to the Sam’s Club development.

“I mean really, I went there, saw the giant trucks deliver the earth straight from the mound to the construction site, and I still can’t believe what they are doing,” writes the seventh-generation Alabamian behind the blog Deep Fried Kudzu. She shared the photo above showing roads for construction vehicles now cut to the top of the mound and has other photos and her story of visiting the site at the website.

‘More prettier’ than an Indian mound

Deepening the development’s controversy is how the contracting has been handled. The force behind the project is Oxford’s Commercial Development Authority, a public board that uses taxpayer money to lure businesses to the area. The CDA owns the land where the mound is located.

Alabama law exempts CDAs from bid requirements, which means contracts can go to whomever the board chooses. A recent Anniston Star investigative series about the CDA  revealed among other things that the group has awarded nearly $9 million in contracts since 1994 but has taken bids for none of them.

The newspaper also detailed the financial ties between the CDA, firms it does business with, and Mayor Smith’s political campaign.

For example, the $2.6 million contract for preparing the Sam’s Club site went to Oxford-based Taylor Corp., with the money for that coming in part from the sale of city property to Georgia-based developers Abernathy and Timberlake. Taylor Corp. owner Tommy Taylor, who has received thousands of dollars in city contracts for non-CDA work, donated $1,000 to Smith in 2004 and $1,000 in 2008, while Abernathy and Timberlake donated $1,000 to Smith’s re-election campaign in 2004, the paper reports.

The Anniston Star also found that the CDA paid engineering firm Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood of Montgomery, Ala. $45,000 in engineering contracts for the Sam’s Club project, with part of that money paying for the archaeological study. The firm contributed $500 to Smith in 2004.

An Alabama Ethics Commission official said the relationships could violate state law “depending on facts,” but the mayor said he’s done nothing wrong.

Meanwhile, the controversy over the damaged mound’s fate rages on. After getting an earful from alarmed preservationists, Alabama Gov. Bob Riley (R) forwarded their concerns to the state Historical Commission — but said his office has no intention of getting involved. According to the National Institute on Money in State Politics, Tommy Taylor contributed $1,000 to Riley’s 2006 gubernatorial campaign, while Goodwyn, Mills and Cawood contributed $1,500.

For now, it appears Oxford officials are pressing ahead with the project. As Mayor Smith saidin its defense, “What it’s going to be is more prettier than it is today.”

Waiting on the World to Change

April 23, 2013

Waiting on the World to Change.
Possibly one of the best articles I have ever read. There is an aspect of human nature that is common to all humans that is a natural reluctance to lie. Strange as it may seem in this age. It can be seen in psychology and in the stress within the human organism. Our controllers ( politicians and the like) are not immune to this. Deep within their psyche they are tied just as we are to the collective mind. That mind is disparate to live in TRUTH by default.
The incompetent manner in which these attempts are produced indicates some need to reveal their real nature to the rest of the world. Change may come because the holes in the dam ae been produced by our efforts and at some point a flood of truth will ensue.

The revealing of Lies

April 17, 2013

Those who have studied history know that nothing invigorates and empowers an authoritarian regime more than a spectacular act of violence; some sudden
senseless loss of life that allows the autocrat to stand on the smoking rubble
and identify himself as the hero
it’s at moments like this that the public still in shock from the horror of the tragedy that has just unfold before them can be lead into the most ruthless despotism, despotism that now bears the mantle of security. Acts of terror and violence never benefit the average man or woman they only ever benefit those in positions of power. This is why Nero fiddled while Rome burned and give them a chance to throw the christians to the lions and rebuild the capital of the roman empire in his only image . This is why Hurst and the war mongers of the emerging American empire were delighted by the destruction of the USS Maine in Havana harbor in  1888 it gives them the excuse they needed to arouse the public into supporting the Spanish-American war. This is white Israel attacked the USS Liberty in 1967 the six-day war. Strafing and torpedoing it relentlessly for hours in a vain attempt to send it to the bottom . The Israelis believed that the Loss of the Liberty can be blamed on Egypt would draw the Americans in the war; this is why there are hundreds of documented examples of government staging attacks in order to blame them on their political enemies in every civilization in every culture in every historical period .
Authoritarianism knows that spectacular acts of violence help the further consolidate and empower and control. Sadly, throughout history there have been all too many willing to allow attacks to occur or to pretend that attacks have occurred or even to attack their own population in order to further their political agenda.
To think that such staged provocations and false flag attacks no longer occur would be as unrealistic as believing that human nature itself has changed. The powerful people no longer seek to increase their power or that influence is never used for deceit or manipulation, that lies are no longer told to the satisfy greed or slake their thirst for control, it  is to be believed that our society is immune from those things that we’ve seen in every other society in every other era in-short it’s a dangerous illusion.
The people are once again learning the power of this delusion. They’re learning the extent to which they have been lied to they are once again studying their history.
The russians are learning how the FSB was caught planting bombs in Moscow in
1999 during a terrorist  scare that swept Putin into power and stir the public into supporting the second Chechen war ; they’re learning how their autocratic ex-president came to power campaigning on the graves of those his old FSB cronies had killed.
The israelis are learning how Mossad has been caught time and again posing as a very muslim terrorists they claim to be opposing   ( Their motto being “By Wise council thou shall do war”) some say “By way of deception, thou shalt do war”  they are learning how Israel uses the specter of terror to further extend their blank check drawn on American funds to expand their police state back home and maintain their hardline stance. The world sixth largest nuclear superpower supposedly threatened by the possibility that one of their neighbors may one day obtain a single nuclear weapon. The British are learning how their SAS officers were caught dressing up as Arabs in Iraq driving around with trucks full of munitions shooting at police the stir up ethnic tensions and ensure that permanent bases could be built in the region they’re learning how Haroon Rashid Aswat  the supposed mastermind behind the 7/7 bombings was working for British intelligence they are learning how British intelligence participated in IRA bombings.
The indians are learning how the Mumbai attack was helped by a USA  agent who is
cooperating with investigators so that he won’t face questioning by foreign authorities
the canadians are learning how their own provincial police dressed up as protesters in 2007 and threaten violence against other police in order to force a crackdown on peaceful protests.
 And the Americans, the Americans are learning that there were multiple bombs found dismantled and taken out of the Alfred P Murrah building on April 19/19 /95 . They are learning that Timothy McVeigh had written a letter to his sister in which he claims to be in the special forces for the US army. They are learning the bombing was being directed by FBI informants just as the 1993 World Trade Center bombing was. They’ are learning about 9/11 in the Gulf of Tonkin. They are learning about ‘Operation Northwoods’ and their own army counterinsurgency manuals that teach officers how to commit false flag attacks to blame on their enemies.
In short the people are learning the truth and now we see the same build up to a false flag event taking place that we saw in 1995, at that time the US had a corporate media desperate to fling mud it anyone concerned by the actions of their government and it had a government that was desperately unpopular. Today we see the exact same factors at play if anything the situation today is worse than it was the run-up to the Oklahoma city bombing with media consolidation meaning that groups of concerned citizens like the OATH KEEPERS are being attacked by the controlled minions on both the left and the right
and now it is not just the militia that is being demonized by the establishment it is veterans and gun owners third party supporters and libertarians antiwar protesters to human rights campaigners people who are upset with the government giving trillions to the banks that have engineered or current financial crisis everyone is now a potential terrorist according to the governmental and media agencies that they need to limit our range of acceptable opinion and control dissent.
Even the word ‘terrorist’ means something more than it did back in 1995 now after the false flag attack of 2001/ 11 allowed the passage of the Patriot act after the bogeyman of Al-Qaeda,  gave the NSA the opportunity to announce  that they were collecting everyone’s emails and everyone’s telephone calls after the former white house press secretary came out and admitted that the Bush administration had made up terror threats
in order to scare the people of the supporting the government now we know what the real
definition of terrorism is. It is government’s scaring their own populations into line but there’s something else that’s different now from what it was in 1995; the people are learning something else about terrorism they are not terrorists for speaking out against their government; they are not terrorists for wanting the government to stop selling their
children into servitude to pay bankers their bonuses; they are not terrorists for pointing out that the FBI and the CIA and Mossad and MI6 are behind every major international terrorist event. The people are not terrorists because they do not want to see more death, they do not want more destruction or the spilling of blood of their fellow citizens, it is not in their interest.
Death and destruction only ever served the governmental financial and industrial interests who always growing power and wealth in the wake of every tragedy.
Time and time again the people pay with their lives and the government’s and the banks
profit. The war machine only grows and becomes more prosperous.
The people do not want terrorism because it does not benefit them it only benefits the existing power structure and this time if there is another staged event to blame on the government’s enemy of the day the people will know whom to blame for the Corbett Report in Western Japan I am James Corbett The Corbett Report