Archive for February, 2015

Aid to Ukraine May End US Empire by Finian Cunningham + Video Reports

February 12, 2015

As the U.S. And EU panic and seek ways to maintain pressure upon Russia their pawn UKRAINE begins to buckle under its own strain.

Dandelion Salad

by Finian Cunningham
Writer, Dandelion Salad
East Africa
Crossposted from PressTV
Feb. 11, 2015

Hosting the German Chancellor in Washington this week, US President appears to have developed cold feet over ardent American calls to send lethal weaponry to Ukraine. He is right, too. He knows such a move would spell the end of US global power.

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How the Illuminati Gained Control of the Earth’s Land – THIS is a true Whistleblower!

February 7, 2015

I often say the battle has been centuries in duration. In this age it will come to completion one way or another