Peru’s Ancient Cave Of Dangerous Energies–Homo Sapiens Before the Flood

August 1, 2016

“The Event” Part 5 ~ The Main Event ~ A QHHT Session with Suzanne Spooner & Ron Head

May 22, 2016

Insightful messages from the greater consciousness we all share

TAUK Messages


Hi Everyone,

As mentioned in the previous post, Ron Head and I have continued our Speaking with Self QHHT recordings and The Event series of YouTube clips. Below is the fifth in The Event series. Ron recently moved back to Des Moines, Iowa where I live which allows us to continue these sessions in person, as all QHHT sessions should be done. 

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The New School Shooting in Roseburg, Oregon Oct 1, 2015

October 2, 2015

The Lighthouses Are Being Lit

September 18, 2015

Silent Winds of Change

beacon 2 Cropped

Nothing like drinking a cup of coffee in a public place and hearing “The Lighthouses are being lit!”.  Quietly you look around for a second to see where that came from.  No one else seems to be reacting so it must be time for another post. 🙂

This video clip should give you a feeling of the excitement.

One by one they are being given their power. Let me explain this a bit. There are some that came as beacons. They knew that would be their task. (Even if you decided to be a lighthouse during this lifetime, source worked it’s magic and made it happen) Their skill sets were crafted to assist those lost in the storm of life, and more times than not, shake and awake many from their slumber. It was intended that they would anchor and shine the light, but they went overboard.  Generally they are…

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The Hall of Records is the Single Most Important Discovery of the Millennium

September 12, 2015

More incredible revelations read on

Crop Circles – The Separation of the Two Earths & CERN

May 18, 2015

the Separation of the Earth should be fairly well known. Decades of research, countless individuals under deep regressions, all have the same message, the Earth will be separated into two, the Old and the New.

The Saturn Matrix is breaking down and those who align with its thought forms will be consumed by it. No other food sources will be available.

That this is a time for choosing. Do you align with ignorance/fear/hate or with knowledge/wisdom/love.

Individuals all over the world are having visions, dreams of such events. They see the Earth dividing, much like Cell Division.

The Bible makes reference in this way, “one will be taken, one shall be left”.

Those who continue in the old ways of the world – greed, fear, lack of empathy, violence, oppression will remain with the Old World, the world they created.

Those who do not will go with the New Earth, where thoughts such as these have been overcome with experience and perspective are not expressed. This is done by frequency, vibration, sound. Your thoughts are energy, vibration, sound.

Earth Ascending? Schumann Frequency Resonance of the Earth Has DOUBLED!

The earth was vibrating at around 7.8 hertz, but a few days ago, the Schumann frequency hit 16.5.

It is due to this increasing pulse rate that we feel as though time is speeding up. Why do we “feel” as though time is moving faster than it used to be? The reason is what we once perceived to be a period of 24 hours now feels like only 16 hours. Our clocks still move in seconds, minutes and hours and still click over a full day in 24 hours but due to the earths increased heartbeat, we perceive it to be only two thirds as long or a perception period of merely 16 hours.

Want to listen to the earth’s resonances? This three-minute audio file is data collected from GCI’s magnetic sensor in Boulder Creek. The resonances have been shifted up in frequency to an audible range. They were recorded at nighttime during a period of relatively quiet ionospheric activity.

Aid to Ukraine May End US Empire by Finian Cunningham + Video Reports

February 12, 2015

As the U.S. And EU panic and seek ways to maintain pressure upon Russia their pawn UKRAINE begins to buckle under its own strain.

Dandelion Salad

by Finian Cunningham
Writer, Dandelion Salad
East Africa
Crossposted from PressTV
Feb. 11, 2015

Hosting the German Chancellor in Washington this week, US President appears to have developed cold feet over ardent American calls to send lethal weaponry to Ukraine. He is right, too. He knows such a move would spell the end of US global power.

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How the Illuminati Gained Control of the Earth’s Land – THIS is a true Whistleblower!

February 7, 2015

I often say the battle has been centuries in duration. In this age it will come to completion one way or another

Initiation, Memories and Maldek

January 29, 2015


Our collective memory holds keys to current challenges facing  our planet today. On this Crystal Wizard day I offer a glimpse of “my” story with the prayer of  activating “your” story so we can enter “Our” Story– a New Story, a new time, and a new galactic myth. This is also inspired by recent requests to describe how these codes translate to 3D and the human aspects of it.  I hope this entry will be of some help and comfort.

“I dedicate in order to enchant, Universalizing receptivity…”

Lost (and Found) In Time

When I was around 8 years old I had recurring visions of underground time tunnels. The images were so vivid that on morning I vowed to sit down at the coffee table and not get up until I had written my first “book.”  The book was called Lost in Time.   I was John, a time traveler, and in it I…

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Have you seen this? A collection of WANTED posters for 741 globalists

October 15, 2014

A list of the criminals and those involved in helping the perpetuation of damaging behaviours of governments.